Refers to the similar tower crane, this design is composed by the system design and the lazy arm design to the QTZ500 tower crane. In the lazy arm design progress, it has carried Finite Element method on the analysis computation, and used ANSYS10.0 software.
According to the entire machine main performance parameter, various organizations type and the steel structure pattern has been determined. The design parameter of operating modes which are composed of nose increase, the cross center increase and the root increase. Through the suitable simplification to the lazy arm, the lazy arm finite element model is establishment applied ANSYS10.0 software, and then exerted various operating modes load, carried on the solution. Then ANSYS10.0 software can calculate various pitch points stress situation, various units receive the axial stress size, and the lazy arm distortion size under various operating modes. Also it can demonstrate the animation in the process of the lazy arm increase. It has clearly displayed the lazy arm stress performance under various operating modes.
Through the revision for model parameter, the analysis comparison is carried on the different model. Because the stress condition and rigidity condition of different model is compared under the same operating mode, and the generalized analysis intensity and the rigidity condition is carried on, a most reasonable model parameter can be obtained, though the intensity and the rigidity examination regarding this model, then the final parameter result of the lazy arm can be obtained.
Key words: QTZ500 tower crane Lazy arm Finite element analysis ANSYS10.0