2124 LH180MQ左箱體工序卡及銑鏜結合面夾具設計
2124 LH180MQ左箱體工序卡及銑鏜結合面夾具設計,lh180mq,箱體,工序,結合,夾具,設計
南京理工大學泰州科技學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯學院 (系): 南京理工大學泰州科技學院 專 業(yè): 機械工程及自動化 姓 名: 孫江鋒 學 號: 0601510146 外文出處: On the Development Trend of Numerical Control Technology 附 件: 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。 指導教師評語:此翻譯文章結合國內外情況,分析了數控技術的發(fā)展趨勢。翻譯用詞比較準確,文筆也較為通順,為在以后工作中接觸英文資料打下了基礎。簽名: 年 月 日注:請將該封面與附件裝訂成冊。附件 1:外文資料翻譯譯文論數控技術的發(fā)展趨勢摘要 隨著計算機業(yè)的快速發(fā)展,數控技術也發(fā)生了根本性的變革,是近年來應用領域中發(fā)展十分迅速的一項綜合性的高新技術,文章結合國內外情況,分析了數控技術的發(fā)展趨勢。關鍵詞 數控技術 趨勢 智能 數控技術是一門集計算機技術、自動化控制技術、測量技術、現代機械制造技術、微電子技術、信息處理技術等多學科交叉的綜合技術,是近年來應用領域中發(fā)展十分迅速的一項綜合性的高新技術。它是為適應高精度、高速度、復雜零件的加工而出現的,是實現自動化、數字化、柔性化、信息化、集成化、網絡化的基礎,是現代機床裝備的靈魂和核心,有著廣泛的應用領域和廣闊的應用前景。1 數控技術和裝備發(fā)展趨勢及對策 裝備工業(yè)的技術水平和現代化程度決定著整個國民經濟的水平和現代化程度,數控技術及裝備是發(fā)展新興高新技術產業(yè)和尖端工業(yè)(如信息技術及其產業(yè)、生物技術及其產業(yè)、航空、航天等國防工業(yè)產業(yè))的使能技術和最基本的裝備。馬克思曾經說過“各種經濟時代的區(qū)別,不在于生產什么,而在于怎樣生產,用什么勞動資料生產” 。制造技術和裝備就是人類生產活動的最基本的生產資料,而數控技術又是當今先進制造技術和裝備最核心的技術。當今世界各國制造業(yè)廣泛采用數控技術,以提高制造能力和水平,提高對動態(tài)多變市場的適應能力和競爭能力。此外世界上各工業(yè)發(fā)達國家還將數控技術及數控裝備列為國家的戰(zhàn)略物資,不僅采取重大措施來發(fā)展自己的數控技術及其產業(yè),而且在“高精尖”數控關鍵技術和裝備方面對我國實行封鎖和限制政策??傊?,大力發(fā)展以數控技術為核心的先進制造技術已成為世界各發(fā)達國家加速經濟發(fā)展、提高綜合國力和國家地位的重要途徑。數控技術是用數字信息對機械運動和工作過程進行控制的技術,數控裝備是以數控技術為代表的新技術對傳統(tǒng)制造產業(yè)和新興制造業(yè)的滲透形成的機電一體化產品,即所謂的數字化裝備,其技術范圍覆蓋很多領域:(1)機械制造技術;(2)信息處理、加工、傳輸技術;(3)自動控制技術;(4)伺服驅動技術;(5)傳感器技術;(6)軟件技術等。2 國內外數控系統(tǒng)的發(fā)展概況 隨著計算機技術的高速發(fā)展,傳統(tǒng)的制造業(yè)開始了根本性變革,各工業(yè)發(fā)達國家投入巨資,對現代制造技術進行研究開發(fā),提出了全新的制造模式。在現代制造系統(tǒng)中,數控技術是關鍵技術,它集微電子、計算機、信息處理、自動檢測、自動控制等高新技術于一體,具有高精度、高效率、柔性自動化等特點,對制造業(yè)實現柔性自動化、集成化、智能化起著舉足輕重的作用。目前,數控技術正在發(fā)生根本性變革,由專用型封閉式開環(huán)控制模式向通用型開放式實時動態(tài)全閉環(huán)控制模式發(fā)展。在集成化基礎上,數控系統(tǒng)實現了超薄型、超小型化;在智能化基礎上,綜合了計算機、多媒體、模糊控制、神經網絡等多學科技術,數控系統(tǒng)實現了高速、高精、高效控制,加工過程中可以自動修正、調節(jié)與補償各項參數,實現了在線診斷和智能化故障處理。 長期以來,我國的數控系統(tǒng)為傳統(tǒng)的封閉式體系結構,CNC 只能作為非智能的機床運動控制器。加工過程變量根據經驗以固定參數形式事先設定,加工程序在實際加工前用手工方式或通過 CAD/CAM 及自動編程系統(tǒng)進行編制。CAD/CAM 和 CNC之間沒有反饋控制環(huán)節(jié),整個制造過程中 CNC 只是一個封閉式的開環(huán)執(zhí)行機構。在復雜環(huán)境以及多變條件下,加工過程中的刀具組合、工件材料、主軸轉速、進給速率、刀具軌跡、切削深度、步長、加工余量等加工參數,無法在現場環(huán)境下根據外部干擾和隨機因素實時動態(tài)調整,更無法通過反饋控制環(huán)節(jié)隨機修正CAD/CAM 中的設定量,因而影響 CNC 的工作效率和產品加工質量。由此可見,傳統(tǒng)CNC 系統(tǒng)的這種固定程序控制模式和封閉式體系結構,限制了 CNC 向多變量智能化控制發(fā)展,己不適應日益復雜的制造過程,因此,大力發(fā)展以數控技術為核心的先進制造技術已成為我們國家加速經濟發(fā)展、提高綜合國力和國家地位的重要途徑。3 數控技術的發(fā)展趨勢 數控技術的應用不但給傳統(tǒng)制造業(yè)帶來了革命性的變化,使制造業(yè)成為工業(yè)化的象征,而且隨著數控技術的不斷發(fā)展和應用領域的擴大,他對國計民生的一些重要行業(yè)的發(fā)展起著越來越重要的作用。從目前世界上數控技術發(fā)展的趨勢來看,主要有如下幾個方面: 3.1 高精度、高速度的發(fā)展趨勢 盡管十多年前就出現高精度高速度的趨勢,但是科學技術的發(fā)展是沒有止境的,高精度、高速度的內涵也在不斷變化,目前正在向著精度和速度的極限發(fā)展。效率、質量是先進制造技術的主體。高速、高精加工技術可極大地提高效率,提高產品的質量和檔次,縮短生產周期和提高市場競爭能力。為此日本先端技術研究會將其列為5大現代制造技術之一,國際生產工程學會將其確定為21世紀的中心研究方向之一。在轎車工業(yè)領域,年產30萬輛的生產節(jié)拍是40秒/輛,而且多品種加工是轎車裝備必須解決的重點問題之一;在航空和宇航工業(yè)領域,其加工的零部件多為薄壁和薄筋,剛度很差,材料為鋁或鋁合金,只有在高切削速度和切削力很小的情況下,才能對這些筋、壁進行加工。近來采用大型整體鋁合金坯料"掏空"的方法來制造機翼、機身等大型零件來替代多個零件通過眾多的鉚釘、螺釘和其他聯結方式拼裝,使構件的強度、剛度和可靠性得到提高。這些都對加工裝備提出了高速、高精和高柔性的要求。3.2 軸聯動加工和復合加工機床快速發(fā)展 采用5軸聯動對三維曲面零件的加工,可用刀具最佳幾何形狀進行切削,不僅光潔度高,而且效率也大幅度提高。一般認為,1臺5軸聯動機床的效率可以等于2臺3軸聯動機床,特別是使用立方氮化硼等超硬材料銑刀進行高速銑削淬硬鋼零件時,5軸聯動加工可比3軸聯動加工發(fā)揮更高的效益。但過去因5軸聯動數控系統(tǒng)、主機結構復雜等原因,其價格要比3軸聯動數控機床高出數倍,加之編程技術難度較大,制約了5軸聯動機床的發(fā)展。當前由于電主軸的出現,使得實現5軸聯動加工的復合主軸頭結構大為簡化,其制造難度和成本大幅度降低,數控系統(tǒng)的價格差距縮小。因此促進了復合主軸頭類型5軸聯動機床和復合加工機床(含5面加工機床)的發(fā)展。 3.3 智能化、開放式、網絡化成為當代數控系統(tǒng)發(fā)展的主要趨勢 21世紀的數控裝備將是具有一定智能化的系統(tǒng),智能化的內容包括在數控系統(tǒng)中的各個方面:為追求加工效率和加工質量方面的智能化,如加工過程的自適應控制,工藝參數自動生成;為提高驅動性能及使用連接方便的智能化,如前饋控制、電機參數的自適應運算、自動識別負自動選定模型、自整定等;簡化編程、簡化操作方面的智能化,如智能化的自動編程、智能化的人機界面等;還有智能診斷、智能監(jiān)控方面的內容、方便系統(tǒng)的診斷及維修等。為解決傳統(tǒng)的數控系統(tǒng)封閉性和數控應用軟件的產業(yè)化生產存在的問題。 目前許多國家對開放式數控系統(tǒng)進行研究,數控系統(tǒng)開放化已經成為數控系統(tǒng)的未來之路。所謂開放式數控系統(tǒng)就是數控系統(tǒng)的開發(fā)可以在統(tǒng)一的運行平臺上,面向機床廠家和最終用戶,通過改變、增加或剪裁結構對象(數控功能) ,形成系列化,并可方便地將用戶的特殊應用和技術訣竅集成到控制系統(tǒng)中,快速實現不同品種、不同檔次的開放式數控系統(tǒng),形成具有鮮明個性的名牌產品。目前開放式數控系統(tǒng)的體系結構規(guī)范、通信規(guī)范、配置規(guī)范、運行平臺、數控系統(tǒng)功能庫以及數控系統(tǒng)功能軟件開發(fā)工具等是當前研究的核心。網絡化數控裝備是近兩年國際著名機床博覽會的一個新亮點。數控裝備的網絡化將極大地滿足生產線、制造系統(tǒng)、制造企業(yè)對信息集成的需求,也是實現新的制造模式如敏捷制造、虛擬企業(yè)、全球制造的基礎單元。國內外一些著名數控機床和數控系統(tǒng)制造公司都在近兩年推出了相關的新概念和樣機,反映了數控機床加工向網絡化方向發(fā)展的趨勢。4 結束語 隨著人們對數控技術重視,它的發(fā)展越發(fā)迅速。文中簡要陳述當前的發(fā)展趨勢,另外數控技術的正不斷走向集成化,并行化,仍有廣闊的發(fā)展空間。 參考文獻 [1] 王立新. 淺談數控技術的發(fā)展趨勢[J]. 赤峰學院學報,2007. [2] 董淳. 數控系統(tǒng)技術發(fā)展的新趨勢[J]. 可編程控制器與工廠自動化,2006. [3] 張亞力. 簡述數控發(fā)展的新趨勢[J]. 國土資源高等職業(yè)教育研究,2005. [4] 陳芳. 數控技術的發(fā)展和途徑[J]. 科技資訊,2008. 附件 2:外文原文On the Development Trend of Numerical Control TechnologyAbstract: With the rapid development of the computer industry, this technology has also undergone a fundamental change is the application areas in recent years developed very rapidly in a comprehensive high-tech, the article at home and abroad, analyzes the development of numerical control technology trend. Keywords: CNC Technology Trends Smart CNC technology is a set of computer technology, automation and control technology, measurement technology, modern machinery manufacturing technology, microelectronics, information processing technology, an integrated multi-disciplinary cross-technology, application areas in recent years developed very rapidly in a comprehensive high-tech. It is to meet the high-precision, high speed, complex parts processing and there is automatic, digital, flexible, information-oriented, integrated, network-based foundation, the soul of modern machine tools and equipment and the core, has a wide range of application fields and broad application prospects. 1, numerical control technology and equipment development trends and countermeasures The equipment industry's technical level and degree of modernization of the entire national economy determines the level and degree of modernization, numerical control technology and equipment is the development of new high-tech industry and cutting-edge industries (such as information technology and its industry, biotechnology and its industry, aviation, aerospace, etc. defense industry industries) enabling technology and basic equipment. Marx once said, "the difference between the various economic era, is not what is produced, but rather how to produce, what the production of labor." Manufacturing technology and equipment is the most basic of human means of production activities, while the numerical control technology is today's most advanced manufacturing technology and equipment, the core technology. Widely adopted by nations in the world manufacturing numerical control technology to improve manufacturing capacity and level, to improve the dynamic changing market adaptability and competitiveness. In addition, all industrial countries in the world and CNC numerical control technology and equipment will also be listed as a national strategic goods, not only to take significant steps to develop its own CNC technology and its industry, but also in the "sophisticated" numerical key technologies and equipment to China imposition of closures and restrictions. In short, the vigorous development of numerical control technology as the core of advanced manufacturing technology has become the world's developed countries to accelerate economic development, enhance overall national strength and an important way to statehood. CNC technology is to use digital information on the mechanical movement and the work process control technology, CNC numerical control technology and equipment is represented by new technologies on traditional manufacturing industries and the penetration of the formation of new manufacturing electromechanical integrated product, so-called digital equipment , and its technology, covering many areas: (1) Mechanical manufacturing technology; (2) information processing, processing and transmission technology; (3) automatic control technology; (4) servo drive technology; (5) sensor technology; (6) software technology. Second, the development of numerical control system at home and abroad overviewWith the rapid development of computer technology, the traditional manufacturing industries began a fundamental change, the industrialized countries invested heavily in modern manufacturing technology research and development and put forward a new manufacturing model. In modern manufacturing systems, numerical control technology is the key technology, which combines micro-electronics, computer, information processing, automatic detection, automatic control and other high-tech in one, with high precision, high efficiency, flexibility and automation features to achieve flexible manufacturing automation, integrated, intelligent play a decisive role. At present, the numerical control technology is undergoing a fundamental transformation, from special-purpose closed-open-loop control mode to the general-purpose real-time dynamic open-loop control mode. In an integrated basis, numerical control system to realize ultra-thin, ultra-small; in based on intelligent, integrated computers, multimedia, fuzzy control, neural networks, multi-disciplinary technical, numerical control system to realize high-speed, high-precision, efficient control of during processing can automatically correct, regulation and compensation of various parameters to achieve an online intelligent fault diagnosis and treatment.For a long time, China's numerical control system for the traditional closed architecture, CNC machine tool only as a non-intelligent motion controller. Machining process variables based on experience in advance the form of a fixed parameter setting, the actual processing of pre-processing by hand or through a CAD / CAM and automated programming systems to prepare. CAD / CAM and CNC is no feedback between the control link, the entire manufacturing process, CNC is a closed-door open-loop enforcement agency. In a complex environment and the changeable conditions, the combination of processing tool, workpiece material, spindle speed, feed rate, tool path, cutting depth, step length, machining allowance, and other processing parameters can not be in the field environment, under the external disturbances and random factors, real-time dynamic adjustment of feedback control can not be more random links to amend CAD / CAM in the set amount, thus affecting the working efficiency and product CNC machining quality. Thus, the traditional CNC system, such a fixed process control mode and closed architecture, limited to the multi-variable intelligent control of CNC development, has not suited to the increasingly complex manufacturing process, therefore, to develop numerical control technology as the core of the advanced manufacturing technology has become our country to accelerate economic development, enhance overall national strength and an important way to statehood.Third, the development trend of numerical control technology The application of CNC technology to traditional manufacturing industry is not only a revolutionary change in the manufacturing industry to become a symbol of industrialization, and with the numerical control technology, continuous development and expansion of application fields, his people's livelihood some of the important development of the industry plays a an increasingly important role. NC from the current world trend of technological development, mainly the following aspects: 1. High-precision, high-speed development trend Although more than 10 years ago, the trend appeared in high-precision high-speed, but the scientific and technological development is not enough, high-precision, high-speed is also changing the connotation of being towards the development of accuracy and speed limits. Efficiency, quality is the main body of advanced manufacturing technology. High-speed, high-finishing technology can greatly improve efficiency, improve product quality and grades, and shorten the production cycle and improve market competitiveness. To this end, Japan will study advanced technologies listed it as one of five major modern manufacturing technology, the International Institute of Production Engineering be identified as the 21st century, one of the central research directions. In the car industry, the production of an annual output of 300,000 beat is 40 seconds / vehicle, and most varieties of processing is a car equipped with one of the key issues that must be addressed; in aviation and aerospace industry, its processing parts are mostly thin-walled and thin bars, stiffness is poor, aluminum or aluminum alloy material, and only at high cutting speed and cutting force in the case of a small can of these ribs, the wall processing. Recently, large single piece aluminum alloy billets, "hollowed out" approach to create the wings, fuselage and other large parts to replace multiple components through a large number of rivets, screws and other connecting means assembly, so that components of the strength, stiffness and reliability. These are made of processing equipment, high speed, high precision and high flexibility requirements. 2.-Axis simultaneous machining, and rapid development of complex machine tools 5-axis machining of three-dimensional curved surface parts can be used the best tool for cutting geometry, not only finish high, but efficiency is greatly improved. Is generally believed that, 1 5-axis machine tools can equal the efficiency of 2 sets of 3-axis machine tools, particularly the use of cubic boron nitride and other superhard materials, high-speed milling cutter hardened steel components, 5-axis simultaneous machining comparable three-axis process giving a higher efficiency. But in the past due to 5-axis numerical control system, host complex structure and other reasons, its price than the 3-axis CNC machine tools are several times higher, plus the programming more difficult, limiting the development of five-axis machine tools. Present, due to the emergence of spindle, allowing to achieve 5-axis simultaneous machining of composite spindle head structure greatly simplified and its manufacturing difficulties and costs significantly reduced, narrowing the gap between the price of CNC system. Therefore, the promotion of the composite spindle head type five-axis machine tools and complex machining machine tools (including the 5-sided machining, machine tools) development. 3. Intelligent, open, network-based development of contemporary numerical control system the main trends CNC equipment in the 21st century will be a certain intelligent systems, intelligent content included in the numerical control system in all areas: the pursuit of processing efficiency and processing quality of the intelligence, such as the adaptive control process, process parameters automatically generation; To improve drive performance and the use of intelligent and convenient connections, such as feedforward control, the electrical parameters of the adaptive computing, automatic identification of negative auto-selection model, self-tuning, etc.; to simplify programming and streamline operational aspects of intelligence, such as smart Auto-oriented programming, intelligent man-machine interface, etc.; there are intelligent diagnosis, intelligent control aspects, to facilitate the system diagnosis and maintenance. To address the traditional closed and CNC numerical control system application software industrial production problems. At present, many countries conduct a study of open CNC system, CNC system and opening up has become a numerical control system of the future path. The so-called open-architecture CNC system is the development of numerical control system can be run in a unified platform for machine tool manufacturers and end users, by changing, adding or cutting the structure object (numerical control function), the formation of serialization, and can be easily user's for special applications and technical know-how into the control system, quick realization of different varieties and different grades of open CNC system, to form a distinctive brand personality. Currently open CNC system architecture specification, communication specifications, configuration specifications, operating platform, CNC system function library and function of numerical control system software development tools is the core of current research. NC network equipment is well-known international machine tool fair the past two years a new bright spot. NC network equipment will greatly satisfy the production lines, manufacturing systems, manufacturing information integration needs of enterprises, but also to achieve new manufacturing paradigms such as agile manufacturing, virtual enterprises, global manufacturing base unit. Some well-known at home and abroad CNC machine tools and CNC manufacturing companies are launched in the last two years, the related new concepts and prototypes, reflecting the NC machine to the network in the direction of the trend. IV Conclusion As people focus on the numerical control technology, its development more and more rapidly. This paper briefly presented the current development trend, additional numerical techniques are steadily becoming integrated, parallel, there are still vast room for development. References:[1] Wang Lixin. On the numerical control technology, the development trend of [J]. Chifeng College, 2007.[2] DONG Chun. Numerical control system of the new trends in technology development [J]. Programmable controllers and factory automation, 2006.[3] Ya-Li. Outlined the development of a new trend of NC [J]. Land and Resources of Higher Vocational Education Research, 2005.[4] Fang. CNC technology development and means of [J]. Science and Technology Information, 2008.